If money didn’t matter, wouldn’t that be your strongest position to start negotiating pay from? You can go from a weak position to the strongest with FI.
Month: July 2020
Steal our staycation ideas to make the most of vacation during the pandemic. Healthy, safe ways to have fun and explore home like tourists!
Wondering how much money is enough for you as inflation rages in 2023? Don’t fall for common traps. Learn how to find your “enough” and live a happier life.
Our thirteen-year saga from student loan debt, to graduate school, shifting careers, and starting two businesses. At the lowest point, we went from a negative $107K net worth to $1.2M in nine years. This is how we became millionaires and reached financial independence.
Wondering whether to live in the city or the country? Learn about the pros & cons of city life vs country life from our personal experiences plus financial insights.
When you realize work email is creeping into your home life—taking downtime and disrupting relationships—make this simple change to take back your life.
Our second monthly balance sheet update: with dividends added our savings rate ballooned. See the details for a little financial voyeurism!