Finance Meta

Our Engagement Story: A Personal Tale of Love and FIRE

Join us as we share our engagement story, blending our love for each other with our path to financial independence, retire early (FIRE).

Finance Meta

FIRE Engagement: The Benefits of Getting Married

FIRE is the art of mitigating risk and amping advantages in your financial life to free yourself from drudgery. How do the benefits of getting married play into it?


How I Saved 50% on Dental Bills Without Tourism or Schools

Despite a $3,600 estimate, I walked away with 3 root canals for nearly half as much from the same provider. Avoid these dental pitfalls and learn how I did it.


Concentration: A Haunting Risk to Your Life’s Investment

If standard personal finance advice is to diversify your investments, might we apply the same reasoning to our most concentrated relationship investment?


The Social Index Fund (a Moat To Protect and Grow Your FIRE)

FIRE can create a hole in the fortress of your life’s social structure that, left untouched, might be your downfall. The solution? A “social index fund”!


Wealth vs Income (and How I Can’t Afford Our Mortgage)

Wealth vs income—what’s more important for your success? Once you have ”enough” in your pursuit of FIRE, what are the trade offs of losing your high income?


A Lesson in Lifestyle Inflation (and Adventure) From the Beach

If crowds are the ultimate purveyors of lethargy, then it’s your sense of adventure that protects you from their allure; cherish it as part of your financial mindset.


Your Start to Financial Freedom (From Scarcity to Abundance)

Battling financial illiteracy is your first step—then, build a money mindset from paycheck-to-paycheck scarcity to one that plans for the future with abundance.


A Clever Way to Financial Independence (My Money Mindset)

I rarely dictate financial advice, but here I share the clever money mindset that I feel steered us to financial independence in a sustainable and fulfilling way.


The Case for Taking Social Security at 62 (Pros and Cons)

Thinking of taking social security at 62? You might be surprised by what the math behind drawing social security early and investing the benefit looks like!