Wondering whether to live in the city or the country? Learn about the pros & cons of city life vs country life from our personal experiences plus financial insights.
When you realize work email is creeping into your home life—taking downtime and disrupting relationships—make this simple change to take back your life.
Our second monthly balance sheet update: with dividends added our savings rate ballooned. See the details for a little financial voyeurism!
Part of our method of becoming millionaires was to constantly leverage apps & websites to sell stuff locally, here’s our step-by-step guide and tools!
Follow us in learning how to define your FIRE number! Our infographic shows that building wealth and picking a date is only the start!
Personal finance and retirement are pretty dry topics, but can they be made exciting when on the big screen? Watch as a couple put FIRE to a test.
Discover the risks of individual stocks vs index funds. Learn from my costly mistake and make fruitful investment decisions to help you reach FIRE!
How to automate your finances: learn to put savings on auto, pay debts & credit cards without overdrawing accounts. Make a wealth-building routine!
With one month under our belts writing about FIRE, what’ve we thought about the experience so far? We’ve also shared TicTocLife’s blog stats!
Learn to adopt the notion “everything is for sale”. When considering a purchase, analyze expected future value. Buy quality instead of limit yourself by a budget.